People tend to make excuses on why not to exercise,so I thought I would give you some reasons why you should exercise. Besides the obvious to loose weight,exercising regularly can benefit your health. Exercising for 3-4 days a week for at least 30 minutes will lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It will also help to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure. Aside from disease prevention it will boost your strength level and gain energy for every day life. Depending on your fitness goals you can choose to join a gym and get a personal trainer or you can choose to workout at home by yourself or with a friend. It's always beneficial to have a friend to workout with for motivation and support. Exercising for 30 minutes a day could be as simple as taking your dog for a walk around the neighborhood. As long as your doing some sort of physical activity you are benefiting your health.
This is Vickie. Great Topic!! I too am guilty of making excuses to exercise. I justify it by eating well, and walking, although I know that is not enough. I am conflicted with cronic pain, and the thought of doing anything more than walking, scares me. I realize I need to explore the types of exercises I can do, that wont make me hurt worse than I already do. I look forward to further posts on the subject.
Great topic
I exersise on a regular basis because i know that it is good for me and my health.
we need to exersise more often so we can be strong for like the moving day, or lifting those heavy books to class. Although it takes time out of your day you still need to get fit. you will fell better and look better too.
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